Sunday, April 28, 2013

My first NBA game: The Bulls Game

Michael Jordan Statue in front of The Bulls Stadium
     When you talk about basketball, I always think of  The United States and NBA. Many of my friends back in Thailand followed basketball closely, but I am not one of them. I played basketball with my friends during high school for fun but I have never been good at it. I found this sport is pretty fun.

     My roommates and I went to a NBA game because of Joe's birthday. It was my first basketball game. Before we went to the stadium, we stopped by Michael Jordan statue. I believe that if someone has to name one person who played professional basketball, Michael Jordan can easily be their first one. He is the legend of The Bulls and NBA. Then, we went inside the stadium. This game is play-off for quarter final rounds, so the stadium is almost full with their capacity which is not small, around 20,000+ people. If I was raised with basketball when I was a kid, I might appreciate my chance to see this game more.

The Bulls was making a free throw

     The Bulls played against the Brooklyn Nets. We all thought that we might lose this game since we are 10 points behind the Nets when we have 3 mins left; however, Nate Robinson scored the most important goal to make us to the overtime. The atmosphere at the game was getting more exciting and powerful. Everyone in the stadium all cheered for the Bulls to win this game, but not until the third overtime that the bull beat the nets 142-134. We all went crazy at the end after winning the game.

Inside United Center Stadium, House of The Chicago Bulls, when we won the game

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