Monday, July 12, 2021

My thought before my thesis defense

4 days before my defense/a month before moving

- This past week has been pretty interesting. Since I will defend my thesis at the beginning of next week, I have reached out to so many people in my life that I have met over the years to tell them about the defense. (I guess one good thing about doing a defense online is that anyone can join the defense from anywhere.) People that I reached out to include physics friends from my old high school in Thailand, high-school friends, a physics teacher (Ms. Cianciulli!), college friends, people I met during an undergrad summer school, people I met during my PhD from old roommates (quite a few of them), classmates, and Thai friends around the city. This just made me realize how many people that I have met over the past ten years in the US and even more in Thailand. 

Boston Skyline from the Charles river
Boston Skyline from the Charles river