Friday, April 5, 2013

The largest mall in The United States: Mall of America

Me. In front of Mall of America
     I was standing in front of the largest mall in the United States. It was unbelievable enormous and I could not comprehend the purpose of this building. There was also a small amusement park inside the mall which, I think, is pretty cool and awesome.

     This building made me think about malls in Bangkok. There are many different malls and department stores which are usually really packed during the weekend. In my opinion, these malls represent the product of middle-class people who can afford to buy and eat at the mall. They were somewhat like a center of the city, but without much meaning. If you want to learn something new today, the mall should be the last place that came up to your mind since it was almost impossible to find. But if you want to find modernness,  convenience and comfortableness, malls are your friends.

     I did not say that I do not like malls since I sometimes missed the malls back in Bangkok. They were places for me to hang out with my friends after school, during weekend, during summer and during breaks. They might be the only place that I hang out with my friends. But I have learned that there are many more places in any towns that you can learn so much more than you are in the malls. If you want to eat something, do not head to the mall but rather street food right next to the mall. You might find something worth learning there.

I told you, there is an amusement park in this mall. How crazy is that!!

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