Sunday, April 28, 2013

My first NBA game: The Bulls Game

Michael Jordan Statue in front of The Bulls Stadium
     When you talk about basketball, I always think of  The United States and NBA. Many of my friends back in Thailand followed basketball closely, but I am not one of them. I played basketball with my friends during high school for fun but I have never been good at it. I found this sport is pretty fun.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Geyser from Yellowstone National Park

Old Faithful Geyser: the first geyser in the park to receive a name
     Old Faithful Geyser is one of the biggest geyser in Yellowstone National Park, but the most fascinating about this geyser is how humans can predict with an accurate precision within 5 minutes. If you think about it, how can we predict when the water will be heated by magma underground is hot enough to erupt the next time. It is famous because of its high frequency within 90 mins. 

Friday, April 5, 2013

The largest mall in The United States: Mall of America

Me. In front of Mall of America
     I was standing in front of the largest mall in the United States. It was unbelievable enormous and I could not comprehend the purpose of this building. There was also a small amusement park inside the mall which, I think, is pretty cool and awesome.